Five years in the same office with the same people and not one greeting card has ever been sent around for everyone to sign…is it me, or is that strange?
Not one single congratulatory moment has happened to anyone in this office in 5 years; no births, deaths, marriages, or graduations?
Frumph.NET’s Great Holiday Hunt Clue: “and”
Wow, when a friend makes an OS X widget to check out your web comic, it really compels you not only to stay on schedule, but to post more often!
Thank you Marc for the excellent screen cap!!
So in case you haven’t noticed, I have slipped and fallen a little bit behind with updating Podscape. However, I also want to let everyone out there know that I am currently working very hard to catch up and hope to be back on schedule by December 3rd. Just in time for the crazy Holiday schedule…yay.
Also check out Marc’s podscast “Future’s in Biotech” (FiB,) which is part of Leo Laporte’s Twit network. Not only is FiB easily one of the most compelling and fascinating podcasts out there, it is also a very accessible and entertaining view into where the field is heading without sacrificing the hard science perspective at all. This is one highly recommended podcast for everyone from the Post-Doc to the non-biotechie and every science/comic nerd in between. Even if you have only a passing interest in biotech, Marc is able to cover the most intriqing aspects of the emerging science in a lively, fun, and informative interview process.
Seriously, it’s great…check it out.